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Nitco is the only premium tile brand in India. That is why we are known as trend setters within the industry. This is because, since our inception in 1953, we have remained loyal to our core values of innovation, product quality and customer service.


Nitco Limited. has long been known for its corporate values/ethics as well as its formidable product quality and customer service. Our brand name is very dear to us and we make sure to operate with professionalism and skill in whatever we do. The great quality and innovation of our tiles has been officially recognized through the receipt of many awards, as well as international certification.

NITCO Tiles, The Only Premium Tiles Design Company in India


Style Never Goes Out of Fashion & Neither Does NITCO. Visit our Website, Dealers or Stores for all Types of Tiles, Marble & Mosaico Products in India

NITCO Tiles, The Only Premium Tiles Design Company in India


Style Never Goes Out of Fashion & Neither Does NITCO. Visit our Website, Dealers or Stores for all Types of Tiles, Marble & Mosaico Products in India

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