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Tsui Design & Research Inc. | Welcome


Tsui Design & Research Inc. is a comprehensive design firm offering professional services in Architecture, City & Regional Planning , Industrial Design and Clothing Design. Licensed and bonded in all areas of design and construction with over twenty years of experience, TDR Inc. has established a world renown reputation for superior design innovation with an eye for economy and ecological preservation. TDR Inc. is a registered minority and women co-owned business, whose work is constantly published and televised worldwide. Tsui Design & Research Inc. innovatively pioneered the concept of an Evolutionary Architecture . Developed by Eugene Tsui, AIA, NCARB, APA, UIA, Founder and Principal architect at TDR Inc., Evolutionary Architecture draws it's functionality, aesthetics, technology and craft from the wisdom and intelligence found in nature. It is an architecture which unifies organic, art nouveau, and ecological design as well as embraces advances in science and technology. Dr. Tsui gives a number of lectures and presentations worldwide. This web site should give you a good comprehensive look at what we do and why.

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