
Website information and statistics (MSV64-SH-PINK.MSCHOSTING.COM)

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Rawa Island Resort


Welcome to Rawa Island Resort, an idyllic tropical island popular with families looking to unwind from the stress and strain of modern life. Feel the grains of white, sun-baked sand between your toes as you stroll along the beach. Take a dip in the warm waters of the South China Sea. Enjoy the green scenery. Snorkel along the natural coral reef just metres from the shore. Or simply relax as you watch the sun disappear lazily over the orange horizon. Situated within the archipelago of the Sultan Iskandar Marine Park, Rawa Island is accessible twenty minutes by speedboat from Mersing, Johor. This beachfront resort features 77 rooms, each individually designed to blend in with the natural landscape. Modern furnishings provide guests with the comforts of home. We invite you to take a break from the monotony of daily routine. Experience the island’s natural beauty and our family-friendly hospitality.

Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia - Home


The official site for all things Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia.

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