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A total of 3 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Shop Jarden Canada: FoodSaver, Bionaire, Sunbeam, Oster, Crock-Pot, Sealameal, Holmes, Margaritaville. The solutions you are looking for all under one roof


Is a market leading global provider of world-class products designed to simplify, improve and enhance the lives of consumers in and around home. Our portfolio of brands is among the most recognized and trusted by consumers worldwide.

Jarden Consumer Solutions - The solutions you are looking for all under one roof


Jarden Consumer Solutions | Our well-known brands include: Bionaire®, Breville®, Crock-Pot®, FoodSaver®, Health o meter®, Holmes®, Mr. Coffee®, Oster®, Patton®, Rival®, Seal-a-Meal®, skybar®, Sunbeam®, and VillaWare®. We're a company whose employees – more than 10,000 strong in fifteen countries – are committed to a set of core values that emphasize integrity, community service and entrepreneurship. We're always looking for solutions to help make consumers' lives easier, safer and fun. For nearly 100 years, consumers have trusted our brands and products, and we're proud to be a part of their lives.

Shop Vacuum Sealers, Slow Cookers, Air Purifiers, Humidifiers, Heated Blankets and more...


Shop Jarden Consumer Solutions products, the official manufacturer of your favorite home environment and kitchen brands, FoodSaver, CrockPot, Bionaire, Holmes, Rival, Seal-A-Meal, Villaware, Oster, Sunbeam, RapidBath, and more...

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