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InputMapper - Home


Input Mapper is designed to bridge the gap between the devices you use and the games you play. Started in 2014 as DS4Tool and then DS4Windows, Input Mapper immediately gained a strong following after allowing users to use their Dualshock 4 controllers in games that don't allow for the direct input protocol used by the device. Starting in 2015 the project began to seek beyond just Dualshock 4 implementation and from that idea Input Mapper was borne. IM2 is currently under development and will feature a open framework and plugin system to allow 3rd party developers to expand the capabilities of the tool through plugins. IM seeks to eliminate the need for numerous tools to run numerous type of controllers by creating a single application that can accept any device and emulate any device. Input Mapper's intuitive framework dubbed ODIF (Open Device Interaction Framework) will have application beyond the scope of gaming and open up user definable hardware to hardware interactions.

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