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Pet Supplies and medication including wormers, flea treatments and veterinary prescription medicine from our pet dispensary | Hyperdrug


We are the very first pet pharmacy offering pet prescriptions from our pet dispensary, veterinary medicine, and animal Health including wormers and flea treatments and other pet supplies such as veterinary diet dog and cat food. We have a number of trademarks such as the Canine Chemists, Pigeon Pharmacy, the Feline Pharmacy and the Equine Pharmacy direct.

Pet Supplies and medication including wormers, flea treatments and veterinary prescription medicine from our pet dispensary | Hyperdrug


We are the very first pet pharmacy offering pet prescriptions from our pet dispensary, veterinary medicine, and animal Health including wormers and flea treatments and other pet supplies such as veterinary diet dog and cat food. We have a number of trademarks such as the Canine Chemists, Pigeon Pharmacy, the Feline Pharmacy and the Equine Pharmacy direct.

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