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The Seaside Style


Since Seaside’s inception in 1981, Daryl Davis, founder of Seaside’s downtown retail development and co-founder of the town, has nurtured and refined the idea of the Seaside Style, extending it from colors to interior design to clothing. Her stores, Pizitz Home & Cottage, Seaside Classic, Seaside Beach, Seaside Kids, and Perspicasity epitomize this idea. It is the luxury of simplicity. Sunlight glowing through white cotton curtains as they blow into a room…caressed by ocean breezes, a soft rope hammock in the shade of a wide porch…the comfortable elegance of cotton sundresses and sun-bleached straw hats…screened porches and white picket fences…the taste of crabs caught at the ocean’s edge…this is the Seaside Style. Now an adjective for architecture, interior design, fashion and food, Seaside Style is more than design. It is a way of life.

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