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Empleo en Madrid - Buscar trabajo - Madridempleo.Es


Encuentra ofertas de empleo en Madrid, ahora buscar trabajo es más fácil, rápido e intuitivo que nunca. Buscador de candidatos para cubrir puestos.

Edge Of Paradise


Edge Of Paradise is an American hard rock/heavy metal band formed 2011 in Los Angeles, California. The band released two full length albums to date, Mask out in 2011 and Immortal Waltz, produced by legendary Michael Wagener, released Apr 2015 vial Pure Rock Records. Both album debuted in the top 10 on the national rock/metal radio. The band is known for their dynamic sound with heavy guitars complimented by symphonic and classical influences as well as the incredible vocal range of their singer, Margarita Monet. Immortal Waltz was received greatly by music critiques worldwide. Lance Hall of WJSC 90.7 stated "Immortal Waltz by The Edge Of Paradise is one of the most unique sounding albums as I’ve heard in a long long time."

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