
Website information and statistics (104-37-111-105.STATIC.DBSINTL.NET)

A total of 2 sites are hosted on
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The James Madison Research Library and Information Center


the James Madison Research Library and Information Center, the premier site on the Internet for researching and learning about America's first freedom, The Second Amendment, from a historical perspective and in an unbiased manner. Named in honor of our fourth president and author of the Bill of Rights, James Madison, this site is dedicated to educating not only NRA Members and their families but also freedom-loving people the world-over.Here you will find many of the original, primary source documents as they were written by the Founding Fathers themselves, demonstrating their overwhelming belief that the average citizen should not be denied their individual right to keep and bear arms. You'll see how these wise men recognized that an armed citizenry represents the best way to fend off tyranny and oppression while preserving the freedoms and liberties that are so unique to our great nation. Additionally you'll find biographical information on our Founding Fathers, their insightful quotes, important court cases and much more.




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