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fengj.net is China used equipment net(fengj.com)'s international station a international leading online second-hand equipment market, renewable resources, waste materials, used goods, inventory transactions, auction, lease, bidding platform


Wangyou used net original China used equipment net,now established in international station.It is specializing in used equipment, waste materials, renewable resources, used goods, inventory online used equipment market; pooled national auction houses, property rights exchange, the center of the bidding, lease financing company immediate release of large and medium-sized enterprises, announced the disposal of assets, auction, transfer, purchase scrap, scrap, idle inventory of used equipment, materials, use of material information, including used machine tools, used chemical equipment, used smelting equipment, used printing machinery, used textile machinery, used construction machinery, used generators, old transformers, old boilers, idle driving, scrapped ships.

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