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Moglee Web Tech


We, at MogleeWeb Tech, figured out that the main problem being faced by customers and Shopkeepers/Retailers/Brands is the lack of information and marketing platforms. This was the reason we came up with this awesome app called Moglee. Moglee acts as a shoppers guide to the deal jungle and is a mobile application that brings the offers and discounts at a shop nearest to ones location at ones fingertips. All a shopper needs to do is, open Moglee and browse through the discounts and deals being provided by retail stores around them. It gives shopperhighlycustomized and updated information of all the discounts being offered on food, apparels, accessories and travel. So,one ends up saving a lot of his/her hard earned money. For the retailer/brand, it acts as a super cost effective direct marketing platform. The retailers/brands can target their offers and discount schemes to their customers in effectively “zero” promotion and marketing cost as compared to the conventional marketing avenues such as outdoor advertisements as well as print media, radio and television which end up costing the them a lot. Another advantage for them is that they can track their reach and the effectiveness of their listing/advertisement with Moglee in a much more accurate manner than on conventional marketing platforms. Presently we are targeting the NCR region starting with Gurgaon and Rajouri Garden markets but have plans of covering the whole of the NCR soon. We will also try to expand to other areas in the country vey soon after that. So, in a nutshell, if you are shopper looking to save a lot by getting the best things available in your locality for comparatively cheaper and discounted prices, you need to install and start using the Moglee App on your smartphone. If you are a Retailer/Brand who is tired of wasting a lot of money on promotional advertisements to no success whatsoever and are looking for a better, more cost effective way, you need to sign up with us and be a vendor partner. Not only will you have a way to directly reach out to your customers in the most cost effective manner, you will also be able to track the effectiveness of your campaign with Moglee in an extremely effective manner.

Moglee: Find best shopping offers in Delhi, offers on restaurants in Delhi, Holiday packages, Discounts in restaurants


By moglee you can easily find best offers, discounts and deals of shopping, tours-traveling and restaurants at your nearest location just check the offers, visit at the vendor location and grab the best deals and offers.

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