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RushStar.com Corporation, Wild Ginseng, Projects Technology, Niagara mineral Water, Nano Technology, Jet Hovercrafts - R.S.Proteks Consultants and Contractors; We Can Show you How to Manufacture any of theses Products and more....!


RushStar R.S.Proteks Technology Bank® Canada - Middle East Over 20 Years, RushStar.com supplied great amount of sharp edged innovative products through many departments around the world, welcome to an ever revolving mind! Contact us - About us - Privacy policy - RushStar Automotive - RushStar Hovercrafts - RushStar R.S.Proteks - RushStar Wild Ginseng - RushStar Niagara - RushStar Nano - RushStar Natural products - RushStar Catalog - RushStar Consulting Processional Research & development and technology tranfer R.S.Proteks company that extends from Automotive to Air cushion Hovercraft and from Healthcare to advanced food supplements, The campany can show you the secrets of making many important international products, the company offers turn key consulting including prototyping, first viable samples and quick presentation runs in most technology innovation fields, company offers Know-how courses, formulas and Technology Innovation Strategies The company is the first to invent the Magnetic strap for oil filters, Teflon Skirt for Hovercraft, and magnetic bandage, the company also offers prototyping service for most inventions.

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