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栢萊印刷設計公司成立於2001年,為客戶提供一站式製作印刷服務,本公司以快速、靈活、高品質的數碼印刷,致力為客戶提供商務圖文解決方案。按客戶印刷需要,不同的優越紙張配合幅面大小選擇,由少量單張至書刊,也能一一為客人辦妥。栢萊擁有專業、經驗豐富的製作團隊,能符合您不同的需求,我們不僅提供專人送遞服務,並提供從設計、輸出製作等一系列的完整服務。數碼印刷技術不但能處理大部份電子文檔格式,更大大增加印刷色域,足以應付大部份稿件需求。由於數碼印刷不需要用菲林,因此印前處理成本及時間可相對降低,以其印製成的書刊亦可選擇以騎馬釘、膠裝、膠圈、雙線圈及摺紙加工等方式釘裝交貨。配合客戶需要,推出多款不同產品,共創雙贏。Founded in 2001, Bynock Printing & Design Co. supply an all-in-one efficient, flexible high-quality digital printing service for our customers. Our tailor-made services aim to meet the needs of the customer, printing leaflets and books in variable quantities with superior quality paper, and in a variety of formats. Our experienced in-house technical and creative personnel offer cost-effective solutions at every stage in the printing process. Our services also include graphic design and door-to-door delivery.Nowadays, superb print quality alone isn't enough. A 24-hour turnaround, small print runs, large print size (up to 13″x 19″), and the opportunity to make changes when needed are increasingly required by our customers. With digital printing, there's no danger of being stuck with a vast quantity of documents that won't be used. The new technologies of digital printing allow us to offer the fastest digital color printing ever. Both presses deliver on all counts, combining striking, full color results with a fast, flexible service on demand, all at very economical rates. To complement our document printing services we offer a range of document binding options including saddle stitch, plastic comb, perfect bound, Spiral, wiro bound, and folded.A wide range of products have been introduced to meet the diverse needs of our customers.

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