
Website information and statistics (LIBWEB-V.LIBRARY.MUSC.EDU)

A total of 1 sites are hosted on
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Hands on Health South Carolina


Hands on Health-South Carolina is designed to promote healthy lifestyles to citizens and communities in South Carolina. It focuses on health issues and problems important in the state. The site has been developed collaboratively by the Medical University of South Carolina Library working with the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Library, the South Carolina State Library and the South Carolina Hospital Association. It provides links to high quality websites and public health information that are easy to navigate and provide appropriate and useful information. The information is intended for the use of laypersons not health professionals and is presented in a format that people of all age groups reading abilities and education levels will be able to comprehend. The Medical University of South Carolina Library received funding for the project from the Duke Endowment.

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