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HUMAX-Germany | Welcome to Humax


HUMAX is a leading provider of customer premises equipment including video software and hardware solutions and residential/commercial gateways, with delivery to over 80 countries across the globe. Founded in 1989 in Korea, the HUMAX regional headquarters is in the U.S. covering the Americas, and has subsidiaries in 18 countries throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

HUMAX-Germany | Welcome to Humax


HUMAX is a leading provider of customer premises equipment including video software and hardware solutions and residential/commercial gateways, with delivery to over 80 countries across the globe. Founded in 1989 in Korea, the HUMAX regional headquarters is in the U.S. covering the Americas, and has subsidiaries in 18 countries throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

HUMAX-Germany | Welcome to Humax


HUMAX is a leading provider of customer premises equipment including video software and hardware solutions and residential/commercial gateways, with delivery to over 80 countries across the globe. Founded in 1989 in Korea, the HUMAX regional headquarters is in the U.S. covering the Americas, and has subsidiaries in 18 countries throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

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