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ProPakistani - Latest Technology News and Startups Information


First appeared on May 5th, 2008, ProPakistani is largely known for publishing exclusive and topnotch content relating to local telecom and broadband industry. With its professional editors, writers, columnists and reporters, hailing from telecom and broadband industry itself, along with those having years of journalistic experience – ProPakistani has become trust worthiest resource of telecom and broadband Industry of Pakistan. ProPakistani has this distinction of breaking more stories in Telecom sector than any other publication house in the country. Be it the top trending news, or the inside scoops, interviews, market trends, analysis, comparative features, product reviews, How to Do’s, tutorials – we have covered it all. With over 5,000 news items, ProPakistani has not left any stone unturned to bring the latest to its readers.

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