
Website information and statistics

A total of 13 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Baptist Health | Kentucky & Southern Indiana Healthcare


Baptist Health, Kentucky and Southern Indiana's preferred healthcare provider, is improving access to healthcare and enhancing the health of the region.

Baptist Health Louisville - Louisville KY - Baptist Health


Baptist Health Louisville is among the top five hospitals in Kentucky for orthopedics, emergency care, maternity care and neuroscience. The hospital has twice been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as the #2 hospital in Kentucky.

Baptist Health Hospital in Lexington, KY


Baptist Health Lexington is an award-winning hospital specializing in a wide range of patient services, and is designated for its nursing excellence.

Baptist Health Lexington - Lexington KY - Baptist Health


Baptist Health Lexington-Welcome to Baptist Health Lexington About Baptist Hea lth Lexington Baptist Health...-Lexington, KY - Baptist Health Lexington

Baptist Health | BaptistHealth.com


Baptist Health is Kentucky and Southern Indiana’s preferred healthcare provider has more than 300 points of care include outpatient facilities which offer Urgent Care, Express Care, occupational medicine, physical therapy and diagnostics. Home care is also available in 39 Kentucky counties, six counties in Illinois and six counties in Southern Indiana. Our physician network of more than 3,000 employed and affiliated physicians continues to grow as we endeavor to improve access to healthcare and enhance the health of Kentucky as a whole. Baptist Health has been bringing advanced medical technology, modern facilities, and many of the region's most prominent physicians and medical professionals to the communities of our commonwealth for nearly a century.

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