
Website information and statistics

A total of 2 sites are hosted on
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PubEasy.com/books - PubEasy Central Services


PubEasy.com, winner of the 1999 Xerox Publishing Innovator of the Year Award, is the Internet inquiry and ordering service that represents the new standard in e-commerce for the global bookselling industry. More than 3,000 booksellers from over 90 countries spanning North America, Europe and Asia are using the service to access title, price and availability information, to place orders, to check the status of their orders and to access catalogs from participating publishers, distributors and wholesalers. Booksellers with a PubEasy.com password can directly access any participating Affiliate website on the network. The service is free to booksellers and is available via the Internet twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week..

PubEasy.com/books - PubEasy Central Services


PubEasy.com, winner of the 1999 Xerox Publishing Innovator of the Year Award, is the Internet inquiry and ordering service that represents the new standard in e-commerce for the global bookselling industry. More than 3,000 booksellers from over 90 countries spanning North America, Europe and Asia are using the service to access title, price and availability information, to place orders, to check the status of their orders and to access catalogs from participating publishers, distributors and wholesalers. Booksellers with a PubEasy.com password can directly access any participating Affiliate website on the network. The service is free to booksellers and is available via the Internet twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week..

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