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MBA in India | MBA colleges in India | GIBS Business School


One among the top mba college in bangalore and so called best b school in bangalore, An Institute of international educational standards, GLOBAL INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS SCHOOL of the best minds from academics & industry, GIBS was set up under the aegis of Goyal Educational Trust envisioned as an institute of high academic standards. GIBS is ranked amongst the TOP 10 MBA COLLEGES IN BANGALORE in the Country. The Institute has achieved a status of distinction by following the path envisioned by its founders.

Home | Simple Lecture


Simple-lecture is an online tutorial and coaching platform for school students, both junior and senior. We provide lessons and courses aligned to various school boards and standards. We synchronize the lessons and topics with that of the respective standard and board of education ensuring our students are able to augment the lessons they receive at school and are able to further fill gaps and address areas where they face challenges. Simple-lecture strives to add value to a student’s academic life and works closely with students to ensure they excel. Simple-lecture realises the different challenges students face and that there are times when the school alone is not able to provide all the coaching and academic support a student needs.

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