
Website information and statistics (IP-143-95-233-6.IPLOCAL)

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Carmencitta International Fashion Lifestyle Online Magazine


Carmencitta international online lifestyle magazine available in both English and arabic. In our Magazine discuss all the topics about business & finance, fashion, lifestyle, companies, economy, industry, markets, education, arts, books, celebrities, movies, music, headlines, health, humour, legal, automotive, culture, food and beverage, home and garden, travel, nation, science, sports, technology, weird news, world and many more. we also dedicate a section where we provide beauty tips, fashion advice and a personal blog for Mrs. Carmen Abi Khalil, founder and owner of Macoli LLC, a digital media services company. To stay updated kindly follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn and all the available social media networks... you can also contact our advertising department where you can book your own banners and advertising zones on [email protected]

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