
Website information and statistics (IP-143-95-252-47.IPLOCAL)

A total of 15 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

RedditLurker | All Reddit Images


Website that lurks all the funny, inspirational, cute, pretty and sexy images from Reddit, and shows them for ease of viewing

Agile Carousel - Javascript Slideshow - Image Carousel


Agile Development can help you complete website development projects on time, within budget and more inline with customer expectations. Include Agile Carousel as part of your web development process for advanced image displays

Grace Church


Grace is a Church on campus at NC State. We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by modeling New Testament Christianity in action today.

العباسية نيوز


وكالة العباسية نيوز، وكالة انباء عراقية تصدر عن قناة العباسية الفضائية، تقوم الوكالة بتغطية الاخبار والاحداث العراقية، بالكلمة والصوت والصورة،

Auto on Info: Home Page: The Guide to Past, Present and Future Automobile Quality


This page is the Home Page of Auto on Info. Auto on Info is primarily an educational website focusing on motor vehicle quality. It first appeared in April 2001 and quickly achieved Google's highest rank for search phrases auto reliability, automobile reliability, car reliability, and auto quality news. Google also ranked AutoOnInfo.net within the top 10 for the search phrase auto news in the early 2000s. The shortcoming of the first version of Auto on Info was its size. It offered hundreds of pages, charts, and tables, far more than what is needed by a consumer to make a sound decision in selecting a motor vehicle to purchase. The current version of Auto on Info offers significant changes in appearance, design, and size. However, its dedication to describing, summarizing and depicting important measures of automobile quality is still intact. The site offers pages on reliability and durability and pages providing composite measures of two or more of the following: Reliability, durability, customer service, customer satisfaction, and reputation. One significant change from the first version of Auto on Info is its change in size. The site's size has been reduced so that all of its pages may be browsed in under 45 minutes. This means that hundreds of pages and charts have been culled, partly because the multiple measures of reliability repeated the same points and partly because some information was of more interest to historians than consumers. Examples of the latter are charts showing that Toyota Motor Corporation achieved eminence in reliability circa 1976 and that Honda Motor Company followed shortly circa 1980. Another significant change is that the site expresses auto reliability ratings and auto reliability rankings, and makes available detailed auto reliability comparisons and auto reliability contrasts, using the Auto Reliability Grade Point Average, or Auto Reliability GPA. This auto reliability index is used as it is an easy to understand auto reliability measure and is well known to nearly all persons having attended high school. The page also employs Auto Reliability Grades as a reliability index, as this measure of auto reliability differences is well known to all persons having attended elementary school. The Auto Reliability GPA is an automobile reliability statistic that is obtained from Consumer Reports' auto reliability data summarized in its reliability tables. Auto Reliability GPAs and Grades are succinctly set forth in 5 pages - the 2010 Reliability Grade Point Averages and Grades for Motor Vehicles Sold in North America, the 2010 Reliability Grade Point Averages and Grades for Lines/Brands of Automobiles, the 2010 Reliability Grade Point Averages and Grades for Manufacturers of Automobiles, and CR's Used Cars to Avoid summaries - historical and detailed. These pages are AJAX enabled to make for a convenient and easy-to-use reordering option.

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