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Parlay Games Inc » Online Bingo Casino Games Social Gamification


Parlay Games Inc. develops and licenses flexible internet bingo and casino software products for the online bingo and interactive gaming industry. Expand your existing operation or establish a new interactive bingo community by leveraging the Parlay software suite of games and business tools. Our multi-player technology is used to power more online bingo sites than any other software provider, worldwide. Our back office platform readily supports points based and virtual currencies for social bingo and social gaming solutions, which can be delivered by website, Facebook or through mobile devices using our innovative html5 mobile bingo and mobile casino game clients.

Parlay Games Inc » Online Bingo Casino Games Social Gamification


Parlay Games Inc. develops and licenses flexible internet bingo and casino software products for the online bingo and interactive gaming industry. Expand your existing operation or establish a new interactive bingo community by leveraging the Parlay software suite of games and business tools. Our multi-player technology is used to power more online bingo sites than any other software provider, worldwide. Our back office platform readily supports points based and virtual currencies for social bingo and social gaming solutions, which can be delivered by website, Facebook or through mobile devices using our innovative html5 mobile bingo and mobile casino game clients.

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