
Website information and statistics (MANC.GDPUK.COM)

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GDPUK.com - Home


GDPUK a mailing list and online forum for UK dental professionals started in 1997 by Tony Jacobs in Manchester. All shades of opinion, information and advice within UK dentistry are represented in this group. GDPUK.com also publishes UK dental news, and has had many exclusive stories, as well as being able to publish the latest news relevant to dentistry before other dental news providers. 1. The best place for dentists to keep in touch with colleagues 2. An excellent place for dentists for clinical debate and questions 3. The best place for dentists to keep in touch with national NHS policy 4. A great place for dental practice owners to share ideas 5. A great place for dental associates. 6. Members have to be dental professionals. 7. The site remains free to dental professionals.

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