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Mala in Thrissur District of Kerala State often known as Mala Trichur or Thrissur Mala or Trichur Mala or Trissur Mala | Community Website of Mala Thrissur (Mala Trichur)


Mala, often known as Mala Thrissur, is a growing town located in the southern part of Thrissur district in Kerala state, India. It is also known as Mala Trichur or Thrissur Mala or Trichur Mala. Mala is about 40 km towards the north from the present day city of Kochi and approximately 14 Km from Chalakudy, Kodungallur and Irinjalakuda. The name "Mala" is said to have derived from the Hebrew word "Mal-Aha" which means "Center of Refugee".

Lopol.org - Bank Loan, Banking, Engineering, Technology, Finance, Guides, KB, Safe Computer Usage and Tips |


Lopol publishes articles in Banking, Engineering, Technology, Finance, Guides, KB, Safe Computer Usage and Tips including Engineering methods, drawings, bank loan advices, answering queries.

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