
Website information and statistics (401192-WEB1.GEMSEDUCATION.COM)

A total of 5 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

GEMS Wellington Academy - Silicon Oasis


GEMS Wellington Academy - Silicon Oasis offers a uniquely crafted progression from the Early Years Foundation Stage, through an enriched and developed National Curriculum for England into personalised qualification pathways incorporating IGCSE, GCSE, BTEC. These culminate in one of the richest IBDP and IBCC offers in the region.

The Kindergarten Starters - Dubai


The Kindergarten Starters - Dubai offers high quality education to students from Kindergarten to Grade 5. The school has a reputation for providing combination of a rich variety of academics and extra-curricular activities and ensures the overall development of each student in a nurturing and caring environment. The school has an ICT and Multimedia Centre where children are exposed to Information and Communication Technology from an early age. PowerPoint presentations and overhead projectors are used as teaching aids. The school has sand and water play areas that provide a safe and secure environment for fun filled activities for Kindergarten students. The science resource center, math resource center and life skills centers are spacious and well equipped with promethean boards where students are encouraged to use their analytical skills. The Kindergarten Starters has a library to browse through and read books of their choice. The library is well stocked with a variety of books covering a variety of subjects.

The Winchester School - Jebel Ali


Offering a world-class education founded on an elaborated National Curriculum for England (NCFE)

GEMS Wellington International School - Dubai


GEMS Wellington International - Dubai School provides an exceptionally high standard of education. The school, spanning an area of eight acres, offers a spectrum of facilities and resources that combines a world class education with distinctive, state-of-the-art infrastructure. The School benefits from a state of the art IT infrastructure. Classrooms are fitted with the latest interactive whiteboards and make use of full Internet connectivity. Students engage in Image/video/sound editing, game creation, POD casting and multimedia presentations. The school has high quality standards of teaching and learning in a caring environment where significant emphasis is placed on individual student achievement and the celebration of success.

GEMS Akademia International School - Kolkata


GEMS Akademia International School - Kolkata

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