
Website information and statistics (BRANDFM.COM)

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BrandFM - Your place for brand files and media


BrandFM is a web based application and online storage repository where you can find, upload, organize, share, download and send brand files and media such as Logos, Product Images, Photos, Images, Advertising, Artwork and other media files. BrandFM is an online brand asset management system. BrandFM is a business to business service designed for companies that want to manage their brand assets in secure easy to use system and distribute those brand assets to business contacts such as suppliers, sponsors, media contacts, designers, agencies and other trusted business contacts. Users can fid and download brand files. Brand owners and designer can upload and organize brand files into a brand asset library. Companies can create their own branded brand or product catalogue (branded microsite) and then deploy to their primary website. BrandFM is a safe, easy and convenient place to find, store and deliver brand assets. BrandFM is a web 2.0 application written in Ruby on Rails.

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