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Crazylove.org - Official Website


It seems like we've become experts at discussing and criticizing ministry ideas with each other in the church. Meanwhile, I see fewer Christians actually talking about Jesus with those who don't know Him. Living without risk has become accepted and even applauded. That's why I want Crazylove.org to lift up examples of biblical/radical living. My hope is that believers would look on and then let the Spirit direct them into lifestyles that demonstrate faith.

Crazylove.org - Official Website


It seems like we've become experts at discussing and criticizing ministry ideas with each other in the church. Meanwhile, I see fewer Christians actually talking about Jesus with those who don't know Him. Living without risk has become accepted and even applauded. That's why I want Crazylove.org to lift up examples of biblical/radical living. My hope is that believers would look on and then let the Spirit direct them into lifestyles that demonstrate faith.

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