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Envision - Envision | Contact Center Workforce Optimization Software


For more than 20 years, Envision has been providing award winning solutions that optimize customer experience by turning data from customer interactions into action, making an intelligent impact on your business that leads to exceptional customer experiences. Data from phone, e-mail, web chat and social media interactions can help quickly identify patterns and trends, optimize operations and transform customer relationships. Envision delivers innovative software solutions, in the cloud or on premise, to optimize your workforce. With our integrated line of Click2Coach products, customers get voice of the customer analysis, automated scorecards, performance management, desktop analytics, speech analytics, interaction and compliance recording, quality management, workforce management and coaching and eLearning. For more information, please call us at 1-800-975-9384 or visit us at www.envisioninc.com. Valuable information can also be found weekly by subscribing to our blog at www.envisioninc.com/blog.

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