
Website information and statistics

A total of 14 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

TheTeaRoomGiftRegistry.com.au - Online Gift Registry and Wishing Well


The Tea Room Gift Registry is the emerging leader in the online gift registry industry! We have tons of new features that will surely make your parties and events much easier to deal with.

LeondaGiftRegistry.com - Online Gift Registry and Wishing Well


Leonda Gift Registry is the emerging leader in the online gift registry industry! We have tons of new features that will surely make your parties and events much easier to deal with.

WBCGiftRegistry.com - Online Gift Registry and Wishing Well


WBC Gift Registry is the emerging leader in the online gift registry industry! We have tons of new features that will surely make your parties and events much easier to deal with.

Online Wishing Wells by Girl Friday Weddings - Online Gift Registry and Wishing Well


Online Wishing Wells by Girl Friday Weddings is the emerging leader in the online gift registry industry! We have tons of new features that will surely make your parties and events much easier to deal with.

Gift Registry Online Gifts Registries Wedding Bridal Cash Money List - OnlineRedPocket.com


Online Red Pocket is the emerging leader in the online gift registry industry! We have tons of new features that will surely make your parties and events much easier to deal with.

...and the list of the remaining 9:

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