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Sport seat, bucket seat, Motorsport seat, racing harness and racing office chair specialists - GSM Sport Seats


On-line and in-store we are Europe's only specialist in car seats, racing seats, sport seats, bucket seats, rally seats, classic seats, retro seats, motorsport seats, racing harnesses, office race seats and gaming seats. We research the market weekly to provide the most accurate information and latest seats like the world famous Recaro Sportster CS recliner to the impressive Sparco Evo 2 Motorsport seat. With our extensive product database and vast car specific application lists we are sure we can find you a seat to match your criteria. What brands do we supply? It may be easier to ask what brands do we not supply! After being established in 2003 and specializing in sport seats from 2007, we have built up a large supplier network including all of the world's major brands including Bimarco, Buddy Club, Cobra, Corbeau, FK Automotive, Konig, Mamba, Momo, Recaro, Sabelt, Sparco and more. We sell high quality racing seats and harnesses at fantastic prices

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