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A total of 3 sites are hosted on
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Anti-Oxidant Centre


Located at a secluded housing area in Kuala Lumpur, Anti-Oxidant Centre is set up with the aim to help give people a sense of calm and serene environment whilst healing the body from inside out. We have partners in Singapore as well in Indonesia.

:: Jungle Lodge Alang Sedayu ::


Step into the lush 130 million years primeval rainforest older than the Amazon with its great biodiversity of flora,fauna and birdlife and experience of a lifetime and watch your kids bloom as they take the nature and adventure challenge. The Jungle Lodge Alang Sedayu was build like a Malay house, is located in a lush,green valley on five-and-a-halfacres of land beside a primary forest reserve and surrounded by natural attractions. A cool, clear jungle stream runs alongside and there is a well-stocked fish pond on the grounds. Over 40 varieties of fruit trees surround thelodge.

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