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Custom Wood Doors, Gates, Furniture, Sarasota, Tampa Bay, and Manatee


Sarasota, Tampa Bay, and Manatee Custom Wood Furniture, Wood Gates, Wood Doors

Robert Terson - Selling Fearlessly


In his early 20’s, Robert Terson sold residential real estate for three fearful, undisciplined years. Alas, not all that successfully, which is why in the Introduction to Selling Fearlessly he says, “…trust me, ‘fearful’ and ‘undisciplined’ do not lead to ‘success’.” When his short-lived real estate career ended, he spent the next 40 years fearlessly selling advertising on telephone-book-covers to small businesspeople throughout the United States; he had his own business—Community Services of America, Inc.—38 of those years, retired in February, 2010, and immediately began writing Selling Fearlessly. Selling has been his vocation and avocation his entire adult life, and his passionate purpose in his “retirement” career as an author and speaker is to enlighten and inspire his audience by entertaining them with transfixing stories. Other than an enlistment in the United States Navy, Bob has lived his entire 67 years in the metropolitan Chicago area; he attended DePaul University. He and his wife Nicki have a home in Arlington Heights, northwest of Chicago, and one in the northwest foothills of Tucson, Arizona. They’re well into their fourth decade together, have three children and three grandchildren, travel extensively, and are ardent season-ticket-holding Chicago Cubs fans. Bob also is part of a group he spearheaded to raise scholarship funds for inner-city youth, another of his multiple dreams to help others achieve success. Writing, too, has been a passion for the past 30 years. His next book will be an unusual follow up to Selling Fearlessly—a humorous novel with a salesman protagonist. “Everything I’ve ever accomplished in this life has come via the School of Hard Knocks. If I only had one word to sum up who I am, it would be ‘Relentless’; and my hope is to make you just as relentless.”

The Coffeehouse Investor


Helping Investors Build Wealth, Ignore Wall Street and Get On With Their Lives

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