
Website information and statistics (HOST.BUNGAPADS.COM)

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The Official Site of Bungapads!


Bunga Pads™ are Gel Cushions made of special grade gels. The gels provide excellent cushioning thereby reducing or eliminating shock, vibration, pressure and rubbing from the padded area. We also product standard and custom braces to support every part of the body. Each of our products is "made specifically for every-body". Absolute Athletics Website, the maker of Bunga Pads™ is a dominant leader in the manufacturing and distribution of custom and standard gel pads and sports braces for amateur and professional athletes and medical patients, as well as others. We serve the athletic and medical communities. Let us know how we can help you at 1-888-286-4272 or 001(208)914-7140 Stay in the Game...Use Bunga Pads™ and Bunga Braces™

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