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ChyronHego is a global leader in broadcast graphics creation, playout and real-time data visualization, with the largest installed base of on air graphics systems, provides a comprehensive range of products and services for live television, news and sports production. ChyronHego’s end-to-end offerings include hosted services for graphics creation and order management, on-air graphics systems, social media and second screen applications, channel branding, virtual and touch graphics, telestration, and 3D player tracking. Visit ChyronHego at http://www.chyronhego.com.



ChyronHego is a global leader in broadcast graphics creation, playout and real-time data visualization, with the largest installed base of on air graphics systems, provides a comprehensive range of products and services for live television, news and sports production. ChyronHego’s end-to-end offerings include hosted services for graphics creation and order management, on-air graphics systems, social media and second screen applications, channel branding, virtual and touch graphics, telestration, and 3D player tracking. Visit ChyronHego at http://www.chyronhego.com.

Live Production | ChyronHego


ChyronHego is a global leader in broadcast graphics creation, playout and real-time data visualization, with the largest installed base of on air graphics systems, provides a comprehensive range of products and services for live television, news and sports production. ChyronHego’s end-to-end offerings include hosted services for graphics creation and order management, on-air graphics systems, social media and second screen applications, channel branding, virtual and touch graphics, telestration, and 3D player tracking. Visit ChyronHego at http://www.chyronhego.com.

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