
Website information and statistics (3DA.BLACK-SHEEP-RESEARCH.COM)

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Specializing in the field of architectural visualization, automotive design and product illustration. An online portal and community for professional illustrators using digital mediums to produce computer graphics. Site content includes free resources, product reviews, industry news, artist reviews, tutorials, challenges and contest. At 3DAllusions we are “Visualizing Possibilities” and helping others hone the following crafts: architectural Illustration, architectural rendering, architectural visualization, architectural, architecture, architectural design, interior design, architectural design, architectural designs, architectural designer, architectural drawing, 3d modeling, 3d modeling software, 3d rendering software, 3d animation software, animation software, 3d modeling tutorials, 3d character modeling, 3d car design, car design software, concept car design, product illustration software, product illustrator, 3d illustration, 3d animation, 3d animation software, 3d animation programs, computer graphics.

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