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Vortex Solids & Bulk Components | Slide Gates, Diverters, Loading Spouts


Vortex offers a wide range of solids handling components for dry bulk material handling application. Our Slide Gates, Diverters, Loading Spouts & Iris Valves handle nearly any type of dry solids, from fine powders to heavy ore. Vortex’s design philosophy is to develop products that compensate for wear, require minimal spare parts, provide in-line maintenance, and maintain a longer service life than market alternatives.

Vortex Solids & Bulk Components | Slide Gates, Diverters, Loading Spouts


Vortex offers a wide range of solids handling components for dry bulk material handling application. Our Slide Gates, Diverters, Loading Spouts & Iris Valves handle nearly any type of dry solids, from fine powders to heavy ore. Vortex’s design philosophy is to develop products that compensate for wear, require minimal spare parts, provide in-line maintenance, and maintain a longer service life than market alternatives.

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