
Website information and statistics (RICKYSNYC.COM)

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Halloween Costumes, Accessories and Decorations for Men Women and Children - Ricky's Halloween


Ricky's NYC is an edgy, ultra-hip "beauty shop" specializing in professional haircare supplies, nailcare supplies including its own private label nail polish, RickyColor, unique fashion accessories, cosmetics, and novelties. Ricky's NYC has been a part of New York's urban chic culture for over two decades, since 1989. From style-conscious teenagers and their suburbanite moms to Hollywood celebrities and their professional stylists, Ricky's NYC plays host to a diverse, cult-like following of clientele. A veritable one stop super shop for everything beauty Ricky's NYC transcends trends while inspiring and emphasizing individuality. Ricky's NYC's eclectic offerings make headlines and grace the pages of major beauty publications every month. Ricky's NYC is synonymous with style, sensibility and funky sophistication.

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