
Website information and statistics (DEDI98.CPT3.HOST-H.NET)

A total of 4 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Entertainment-Online: the very best S.A. Acts, Shows & Celebrities for hire


Offering more online features of the very best S.A. Acts, Shows & Celebrities for hire than any other Agency in S.A. Your event or project will be our priority.

Improve My Room


Improve My Room

Urban Zulu


The direct translation of the word “Zulu” means Heaven. Urban Zulu embodies the ideal of the Urban Heaven. Inspired by the spiritual, connected to the beauty and texture of the physical, Urban Zulu clothing reflects the balance between art and practical functionality. The “Urban” element of the brand speaks to the fast paced lifestyle demands of modern living. Our clothes remain functional and relevant in contemporary society, yet still reflect the unique nuances of our African identity.

R1650 FOR WEBSITE DESIGN. Web Designers, Website Design Company, website design including hosting, web design and e-mails.


R1650, for a complete website design - Website Designers in Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria, Gauteng and Johannesburg - Web designers in South Africa - Click HERE for prices, website design, website designers and web hosting and top website design company in South Africa

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