
Website information and statistics (SERVER2.RPGCROSSING.COM)

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RPG Crossing Home


RPG Crossing is a 30,000+ member online community that focuses on play by post role playing games (PBP RPG) and features such systems as Dungeons and Dragons (2e, 3e, 3.5e, 4e), Pathfinder, GURPS, d20 Modern, Serenity, Star Wars, Storytelling (World of Darkness) and many more. We are an active community with many new games looking for players every day, and with plentiful guides and tutorials for the new player and the veteran alike, including: New Player Solo Games to introduce new players to PBP and/or RPing; The School of Non-Oratory Theatre - find your style and turn it toward extraordinary; and DM Mentoring - a forum full of collaborative DM tools.

RPG Crossing Home


RPG Crossing is a 30,000+ member online community that focuses on play by post role playing games (PBP RPG) and features such systems as Dungeons and Dragons (2e, 3e, 3.5e, 4e), Pathfinder, GURPS, d20 Modern, Serenity, Star Wars, Storytelling (World of Darkness) and many more. We are an active community with many new games looking for players every day, and with plentiful guides and tutorials for the new player and the veteran alike, including: New Player Solo Games to introduce new players to PBP and/or RPing; The School of Non-Oratory Theatre - find your style and turn it toward extraordinary; and DM Mentoring - a forum full of collaborative DM tools.

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