
Website information and statistics (PRICKLYASH.VIVIOTECH.NET)

A total of 6 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

SoloWoodworker - Woodworking and other individual craft business


As a retired computer manager and consultant Charlie Plesums is pursuing his lifetime passion of building furniture for people. Countless people, retired or considering retirement, have expressed envy, and asked business and woodworking hints. This web site tries to consolidate some of the lessons learned, either through hard knocks, or through the generous advice of others. Although it is focused on woodworking, much of the advice can be applied to any artist or craft.

Communications Reserve Unit - Official Site


California Governor's Office of Emergency Service, Communications Reserve Unit, Official Site.

www.Plesums.com - Electronic Records, Business Consulting, and ... Custom Furniture


Jenny Plesums is a CPA, providing financial management services on an "as needed" basis to small and start-up companies. Charlie Plesums, one of the pioneers of the document imaging industry, presents technical papers on imaging, workflow management, and other topics related to electronic records management. He has retired from full-time consulting and is available for tutorials and short term consulting assignments, or as a builder of custom furniture.

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Contact us today for affordable and professional web hosting in Northern California including Nevada City, Grass Valley, Auburn, Truckee, Penn Valley, Yuba City, Oroville, Marysville, Placerville and Sacramento.




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