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MiTAC International Corp., to provide the cloud computing solutions,GPS navigation service and mobile solutions.


A leader in the global ICT industry, MiTAC International Corp. was founded in 1982. The company began operations in the Hsinchu Science Park (HCSP), Taiwan, and was the HCSP’s first system manufacturer. By 1990, MiTAC was listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Shifting global industrial trends, the proliferation of smartphones and tablet products, the emergence big data and the growth of cloud computing have prompted MiTAC Group to devote its resources to transforming business, enhancing our core competence, planning for the key businesses to independently operate in specialization, and to seek a broader development outlook. Therefore, MiTAC Holdings Corporation (MHC), through a stock swap from MiTAC International Corp. (MIC), was established on September 12, 2013 and listed and traded on Taiwan Stock Exchange under stock code 3706, company code ¨MiTAC〃. In the meantime, MiTAC Group was also implementing restructuring to meet the future operational direction of the group. And after, the Group separated the original MiTAC cloud computing business group to establish an independent MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation(MCT) on September 1, 2014.

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