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Texas Hunting Ranch for Trophy Whitetail Deer & Exotic Game Hunts!


Escondido boasts over 1,240 acres of high fenced Texas hunting ranch property that has been under game management since 1980, ensuring that the stock on the ranch is ideal for hunting. All hunts on the property are done from blinds that are located on known traffic areas for the different species that make their home on this outstanding Texas hunting ranch.

Charotar Leuva Patel-Patidar Community - Charotar Samaj of USA


Charotar is a region in Central/Southern Gujarat. Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel and population of Patel community who make charotar patel community popular unlike any other community in India. Youth are highly educated, family oriented, retain rich heritage of Patidar. We are at 14gaam.com gives strong platform for bridging gaps between generations and for youth lives in east and west. 14Gaam.com offer free matrimonial service, introducing our culture values, Hinduism, Hindu Festivals, Ancestries, community news services, make announcement any many more.

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