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Mill Creek Lions Club



Bongo Congo Kennel Club


If you are looking for Ketchikan, Alaska, Southern Alaska, Alaska or Southern Alaska tourist information or information about the city of Ketchikan Alaska, or the very interesting history of Ketchikan, Alaska, and the environs of the Ketchikan area, or even Ketchikan’s colorful part in the Yukon gold rush, then this is the wrong place. — If, however, you are looking for that icon of junior jungle heroes everywhere; 'Ketchikan the Animal Man,' Ketchikan the khaki-klad side-man, Ketchikan the Marlin Perkins of the Northwest, Ketchikan the Frank Buck of no-budget local TV, Ketchikan the occasional co-host of the JP Patches Show, you are where you wanna be...the Bongo-Congo Kennel headquarters of the international Ketchikan the Animal Man fan Klub! (Ketchikan is not affiliated with Alaska Airlines, chiefly, because Alaska Airlines didn’t ask him to appear in the series of famous explorers depicted on the tails of Alaska Airlines planes.)

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