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SAE International


SAE International is the premier world resource for the design, manufacturing, operation, and maintenance of automobiles, aircraft, space vehicles, off-highway equipment, trucks, buses, trains, marine craft, engines, and self-propelled vehicles. The largest automotive and aerospace standards-setting body in the world, SAE offers technical information in the form of papers, books, magazines, meetings, conferences, professional development seminars, workshops, expositions, continuing education programs, and Internet products. SAE is committed to serving Society through its vehicle safety, maintenance, resource conservation, and education programs.

Scholarly Journals - SAE International


SAE International’s scholarly journals report and archive state-of-the-art research findings that advance self-propelled vehicle and system knowledge in a neutral forum for the benefit of society. Each journal endeavors to serve the needs of academic and industry authors, researchers, and readers in a medium tailored for the discovery, integration, and application of research.

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