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A total of 8 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Weekly $10 Wine Reviews | Wine And Food Pairing Guide | Wine Racks | $15 And Upscale Wine Reviews


A one-stop online guide to wine of the week inexpensive wine reviews, Food Pairings, Fine Wine, French Wine, pairing wine with food, organic and kosher wine, wine racks, gift baskets and accessories. Wine Trivia, Always informative, sometimes humorous.

Wine Nutrition, Wine In Your Health, Wine And Weight Loss


The web's biggest and best collection of indexed articles covering wine's impact on your health, some wine nutrition facts, and weight loss program. We include introductory nutrition and weight loss articles, in case you're starting out. A series of articles describes many popular diets including some that you may not be aware of. We include some of our own French travel articles to keep up your morale. Remember the French Paradox.

Italy Travel Guide, Information on Italian Vacation Packages & Food Culture


Planning a trip to Italy? Travelitalytravel.com is one stop Italy travel guide providing information on Italian vacation packages, Italian food culture and much more.

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