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Priefert Fence | Good Fence Make Good Neighbors


It has been said that

#1 in Farm, Ranch, and Rodeo Equipment - Squeeze Chutes, Roping Chutes, Horse Stalls, Bucking Chutes


We offer a full line of products for your farm, ranch, or rodeo needs. Everything from squeeze chutes, sweep systems, horse stalls, round pens, horse walkers, roping chutes, or our beautiful ranch fencing.

Priefert Horse Walkers | The Worlds Most Advanced Horse Walker


Everybody knows a well-conditioned horse performs better, behaves better, and is less prone to injury. However, keeping even a small group of horses well-conditioned is a full time job. With today’s busy schedules, it's hard to find the time to give your horses the exercise they need daily and hiring someone to do so is costly and risky. Not to mention that finding someone to exercise your horses without teaching them bad habits can be a challenge in itself. That's why a good horse walker is the safest, most affordable, and practical solution.

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