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Historic Bibles, Rare Bible Leaves, christian and jewish gifts and collectables


Heirloom gifts. Rare, historic Bible leaves (pages) and manuscripts, from AD 1200 to 1650, carefully preserved in archival portfolios. Guaranteed original! Beautifully presented in portfolios with embossed gold foil on black linen fiber covers, with burgundy silk moir� linings. Choose an historic Bible, then choose a leaf or leaf sets from the OT or NT. Several portfolio types: Bi-fold, Tri-fold, or Super Portfolio. 13th century manuscripts, late 15th and 16th century Bibles with user-friendly translations! Gifts that will last many lifetimes! Beyond old! Beyond antique! Beyond archival! Museum quality Bible treasures that make a connection with Jewish and Christian history! For your church or pastor, or for loved ones for whom the Bible is the written Word of God.

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