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Warbird Digest - the magazine for the warbird enthusiasts.


Warbird Digest is a bimonthly publication filled with news, articles and stunning photography on aviation from the World War Two era. Each issue highlights currect restoration projects as well as indepth articles related to the planes and the men and women who fly them. Check out our online store for subscriptions, back issues, posters and apparel. Warbird Digest the magazine for warbird enthusiasts.

The Rough Notes Co., Inc. - Publisher of Rough NotesĀ® magazine and The Insurance MarketplaceĀ®


In 1879 Dr. H.C. Martin began publishing the first national insurance publication for fire insurance agents. The company grew and developed products and services still being used today. Since our beginning The Rough Notes Company has been an integral part of the insurance industry providing insurance professionals with quality products and services for more than a century.

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