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Shangri-La Springs, Vitality through Art and Nature


Vitality through Art and Nature: We work to rejuvenate our historical position as a beacon for downtown Bonita Springs by welcoming one and all to experience this hidden gem of southwest Florida. Behind the gates we passionately preserve the acres of verdant grounds which embrace all activities. In this privileged setting, multi-media artistic events are held to elevate local talent while generating community.

Welcome to Las Alturas


Zenerji wishes to create a significant field research and environmental demonstration facility on Las Alturas, a 25,000-acre parcel of temperate rain forest and ranch land in Costa Rica. The Las Alturas facility will facilitate academic field research in many areas including: Rain forest preservation, Sustainable communities in rain forests, Anthropological studies, Preservation of indigenous peoples' cultures, Developing country economies, Sustainable, low environmental impact agriculture, Sustainable, low carbon energy generation, Renewable biological resources, Waste reuse, remanufacturing and recycling

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