
Website information and statistics (HOST.DOMATIC.NET)

A total of 3 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:



Our manor House was developed from a Victorian mansion. This mansion was constructed in 1883 from a farm house built in the mid 1800's and has been a Bed & Breakfast for 50 years. Each of the rooms in the mansion are individually furnished and some of them feature such items as stained glass windows, cut crystal doors and original woodwork. Our lobby offers a quiet charm with its Victorian decor and features leaded, beveled glass doors and plaster cast wall and ceiling sculptures. Our Carriage House which features country decor was originally a barn. It was built about the same time as the farm house.

Glamorous Graphic and Website Design


We specialize in CUSTOM BRANDED glamorous design packages for women owned businesses worldwide. For 15 years, we have been the original online GO-TO design boutique for glamorous, hip design for feminine entrepreneurs worldwide who need luxury graphic design packages including: Glamorous Company Branding, Elegant Graphic Design Packages, Spa Logo Design, Elegant 5star Website Design, Beautiful Brochure design, Gorgeous Stationery packages, chic stickers, luxe tags and more. Global GLam branding for women's businesses.

Judith Trager: Artist-Teacher-Curator-Juror


Judith Trager's personal website for artists, collectors, galleries, quilters, art and quilt links and more. The site includes information about Judith Trager, three galleries with Judith's art work, and contact information.

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